Windows System32 Config Process Is Missing Or Damaged - How exactly to Correct That Mistake Safely

 Microcontrollers tend to be focused on a specific function, therefore while they're very flexible devices these days, you will find a number of different (often conflicting) options for how you may want the hardware to work. You might think this arrangement is performed in software, but what if you like the electronics to behave a certain way from the very start? Keeping in mind that Microchip PIC units may "boot" in a subject of milliseconds, there needs to become a way you showing the equipment how to act prior to it beginning up. This article covers how to truly get your microcontroller centered project working the way you assume when it starts up.

Enter config parts, or, because they was previously called, openbullet configs. Back the times when microcontrollers were program-once devices, you really did blow a fuse in order to plan them. Today, most micros have flash memory which can be set tens of thousands of situations, but you will find however one-time-programmable (OTP) units about.

Regardless, there's a lot of "config words" that define how the micro is going to behave from the get-go. Let's look at many of these choices (we'll choose the PIC18F2620 as an example) and then see how to program them. Sourceboost offers you all of the config strings in a ready-to-use structure for including in your project. The structure has got the config pieces suffixed with the exact same title because the config word in order to make sure that the proper parts are getting in the right word. Needless to say, your config phrases is going to be various if you're employing a different microcontroller, but you ought to learn enough here to place you in the right direction.

In the 18F2620, the config parts are stored in display, but at a high storage location. They're stored at 0x300001 and upwards. For old causes because of the way memory was previously organized on PIC microcontrollers, config words are numbered with each number having a "high" and "low" byte.

CONFIG1L doesn't occur on the 18F2620. If it did, it'd live at 0x300000 location.

CONFIG1H contains pieces that specify oscillator options. Generally, in Stuck Ventures tasks we use and try additional deposits which give more precise and trusted results. That does consume two pins however, and sometimes these could become more crucial than the pace at that the chip is running. The additional gem oscillator is referred to as the HS oscillator (if you're performing the conventional thing of seeking to operate the micro as rapidly since it can go). In the 18F2620, you can also enable the PLL component which provides you with a four-times rate boost. From CONFIG1H will also be alternatives to enable the fail-safe clock monitor (that buttons to the internal oscillator if the external one fail, and a choice to enable the switching between different oscillator sources.

We usually suggest that you utilize an external gem, and switch off any oscillator changing / failover modes. In prototyping, it is essential to own reliable, repeatable effects (mostly to help you reduce the axes of error). It is probable to manage the 18F2620 to launch utilising the inner oscillator (which operates at 8Mhz, or 32Mhz with the PLL enabled) and then move to the additional one (we work with a 10Mhz crystal with PLL allowed providing you 40Mhz). That gives you faster startup from interrupts in sleep function or on bootup, if that's crucial, however for prototyping, this really is generally maybe not necessary.

Our encouraged config sequence for CONFIG1H:


CONFIG2L handles brown-out reset and the power up timer. Brown Out Reset (or BOR) is the capability for the microcontroller to reset it self if the supply voltage falls below a specified threshold. It will remain in reset state until the present extends back on the threshold. This will suggest some battery saving (at least, when the battery is level beyond a certain level, it'll end draining energy as quickly) - but when this occurs there's number functionality available anyway. The ability on timer waits on initial power-on for the present to go above the BOR voltage threshold, then weighs around for still another 65ms before kicking things down for real. This can help ensure that the power is continuous before attempting to execute any code.

We've observed some pretty unstable benefits from the 18F2620 when screening some LED display panels. We thought the software was crashing or resetting the micro when in fact, the thing that was occurring was the BOR had been tripped as more LEDs were lit and the power present dropped. As such, unless you've got an actual significance of it, we suggest converting it off. Causing the power present to stay before starting the firmware, is generally advisable (you're probably not planning to notice the 65ms it takes).

#pragma DATA _CONFIG2L, _BOREN_OFF_2L & _BORV_2_2L & _PWRT_ON_2L

CONFIG2H offers you settings for the watchdog timer. This can be a timer that resets the PIC in a certain amount of time (you may extensively establish the length of time that could be). It may be great plan to reset your PIC if you're doing something from that you may never retrieve - although preferably you're prepared sufficient code that can not happen! As an alternative, the watchdog timer may also draw the PIC out of sleep mode. What this means is you are able to organize for the PIC to get to sleep for a specific amount of time (if nothing otherwise happens). For prototyping, we recommend changing the watchdog timer off. If you do enable it, ensure you reset the watchdog timer regularly or - effectively, you are able to think what'll happen.

#pragma DATA _CONFIG2H, _WDT_OFF_2H & _WDTPS_128_2H

CONFIG3H has an accumulation configuration items. You can select for the RE3 flag to be around (as input only) or for that pin to be MCLR (which resets the micro when taken low). For prototyping, being able to reset the micro by pushing a button is easier than taking the ability out.

The LPT1OSC touch allows the choice of a "high power" setting or perhaps a "low energy mode" ;.The reduced energy function is more sensitive in large noise environments. Therefore if battery application is very important, you'll need to style your signal carefully. For prototyping, obviously, we'd suggest leaving this in large power mode.

PBABEN, allows you to specify if PORTB hooks 0 - 4 should awaken as analog input pins or electronic pins upon reset. Obviously you are able to modify this in pc software in the ADCON1 enroll at any time.

The CCP module is a Catch / Examine / PWM module and your final CONFIG3H touch enables the "steering" of the result to be on sometimes RC1 or RB3. That is handy to be able to change if you need another functionality available on one of these simple hooks (RB3 can also be analogue input 9 and RC1 could be Timer 1 oscillator input). Alternatively, your PCB layout may be simpler if you might transfer this output to at least one or the other. For prototyping, generally that doesn't matter often way.


CONFIG4L includes some interesting choices and reveals very obviously how essential it's to manage to manage the PIC before startup.

The DEBUG touch enables equipment debugging. You can step through code, collection breakpoints and etc - if you have your application set correctly and that bit cleared. Hardware debugging also needs the unique usage of RB6 and RB7 (also employed for ICSP programming). In every integrity, we see that successive output is usually sufficient to find insects, though you can debug a lot of PICs with only a PicKit2.

XINST enables the 18F extensive instruction set mode. This isn't used by Sourceboost and in the event that you change it on in error (regardless of the compiler you're using) there will be some fairly unpredictable results. One of our readers spent times searching for what was improper along with his rule simply to know the XINST bit was set.

LVP offers you the ability to plan the PIC using ICSP without requiring the "higher" Vpp voltage. There is a get but - you'll need to devote the RB5 flag (PGM) to being an signal if you are in coding method or not. Provided the PicKit2 produces the right voltage anyhow, there doesn't seem to be plenty of price in converting this on for prototyping purposes.

Finally, the STVREN allows the option of experiencing the PIC reset if the bunch overflowed or underflowed. If, as an example, you call way too many stacked features, it will allow the PIC to reset. After reset, you are able to examine why the PIC reset and record a fault. We suggest making this on - if your PIC boots in the midst of doing something, you can reasonably assume that you've consumed the bunch space (possible when you're strong in a stacked condition and then an disrupt occurs).


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